The wooden hat block
is a thing of the past!  




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If you have a story you would like to share... just let me know

I have a wonderful new fiber friend in Wales. 
She has given me permission to share this lovely story with you. 
Thank you Stephanie.

I had a very interesting conversation with a local farmer 
who is an avid hat wearer. He is in getting up there in years,
and was telling me that when he was a young man a relative
came back from USA with a new hat for his father which was
the talk of the village as it was very deep and wide as he put it.
From his description it sounds like a definite dome but with a
height of around 6.5inches and a brim that was a good 5 inches.
After his father passed on, the farmer's took on the hat and was
wearing it till about 10 years ago!

He said his mother had sewn a flap inside it so that his
father could slip a hot pastie inside and keep it and his
head warm as he roamed the hills caring for the sheep.

He has been very kind to me so I have said I will make him
a hat which might not be in the same league as his dad's,
but will be made from the wool of his own sheep which are
Black Welsh Mountain mixed with some Jacob sheep a
friend keeps plus some more general purpose wool.

He's really pleased as he wanted something for best but he says
he is  "getting on now", "so need to think of the send off too"
was how he put the matter of wanting a hat for burial too.
I am rather honoured to think he thinks my offering
will be good enough for his "final outing" as he called it.